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Legislation - Draft Bills

Draft Financial Matters Amendment Bill published for public comment
Draft Financial Matters Amendment Bill & Memo on Objects (323kb)
Notice 837 of 16 March 2022 Public Comment Financial Matters Amendment Bill (172kb)

Draft Public Procurement Bill
Draft Public Procurement Bill (374kb)
Gazette Notice Public Procurement Bill (140kb)
Draft Public Procurement Bill Socio Economic Impact Assessment (413kb)

Draft Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Amendment Bill
Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Amendment Bill (254kb)
Draft Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Amendment Bill (268kb)
Gazette Notice Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Amendment Bill (63kb)
Development Charges Pamphlet (634kb)
Media statement - Municipal Fiscal Powers and Functions Amendment (MFPFA) Bill (411kb)

Financial Matters Amendment Bill
Financial Matters Amendment Bill, 2018 (366kb)
Gazette Notice Financial Matters Amendment Bill, 2018 (88kb)

Draft Response Document on Taxation Laws Amendment Bill, 2017 and Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill, 2017 - 14 Sep 2017
2017 Draft Response Document - 2017 Draft TLAB and TALAB (678kb)
Annexure A – Corporates - Public comments (72kb)
Annexure B – Individuals - Public comments (540kb)
SCoF Presentation - 2017 Draft Response Document (756kb)

Draft Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws/Administration Bills 2016
Draft Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Bill 2016 (593kb)
Draft Rates and Monetary Amounts and Amendment of Revenue Laws Administration Bill 2016 (238kb)

Draft Rates and monetary amounts and amendment of revenue laws bill, 2015 (503kb)

Draft Development Bank of Southern Africa Amendment Bill
DBSA Amendment Bill and Memo on Objects (82kb)
DBSA Amendment Bill Gazette Notice (129kb)
Notice DBSA Draft Amendments to Regulations - Public Comment Invite (182kb)

Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill and Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill 2013, explanatory memorandum and media statements
Media Statement: Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill and Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill, 2013 (141kb)
Draft Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill 2013 for public comment (1,202kb)
Draft EM tot he Draft Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill, 2013 (1,094kb)
Clause by clause : Draft Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bill, 2013 (352kb)
Draft Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill, 2013 (394kb)
Draft EM on the Draft Tax Administration Laws Amendment Bill, 2013 (250kb)

Draft Merchant Shipping (International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund)
Draft Merchant Shipping (International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund) Contributions Bill (82kb)
Draft Merchant Shipping (International Oil Pollution Compensation Fund) Administration Bill (129kb)

Draft Revenue Laws Amendment Bills, 2010 and explanatory memorandum
Media Statement: Taxation Laws Amendment Bills 2010 (36kb)
Media Statement: Ongoing Review of Tax Issues relating to Offshore Captives and Protected Cell Companies (36kb)
Draft Bill 2010 (432kb)
Draft Explanatory Memorandum to the 2010 Draft Bill - 6 Sep 2010 (443kb)
Clause by Clause Explanatory Memorandum 2010 - 6 Sep (79kb)
Draft Second Bill 2010 (185kb)
Draft Response Document from National Treasury and SARS on comments received on the 2010 Taxation Laws Amendments Bills - 24 Aug 2010 (198kb)

Draft Revenue Laws Amendment Bills, 2008 : 3rd Batch
Media Statement : Revenue Laws Amendment Bills, 2008: Miscellaneous Additions (30kb)
Draft Bill 2008 : 3rd Batch (47kb)

Draft Revenue Laws Amendment Bills, 2008 and explanatory memorandum
Media Statement : Draft Revenue Laws Amendment Bills, 2008 (48kb)
Draft Bill 2008 (504kb)
Explanatory Memorandum to the 2008 Draft Bill (340kb)
Draft Second Bill 2008 (175kb)

Draft Insurance Laws Amendment Bill 2008
(This version combines the Bill as tabled with input from the State Law Advisors and the amendments adopted by the National Assembly)
Draft Insurance Laws Amendment Bill 2008 - Explanatory Summary (817kb)
Draft Special Pensions Amendment Bill 2008 (81kb)
Draft General Financial Services Laws Amendment Bill 2008 (154kb)

Long Term Insurance
Media Statement : Draft regulations dealing with commision structures and minimum value protection for contractual savings products of the Life Insurance Industry (53kb)
Regulatory reform paper (53kb)
Draft regulations (76kb)

Draft Taxation Laws Amendment Bills, 2008, explanatory memorandum and media statements
Media Statement : Taxation Laws Amendment Bills, 2008: General Overview (53kb)
Media Statement : Taxation Laws Amendment Bills, 2008 : Company Restructuring Measures (55kb)
Draft Bill 2008 (87kb)
Explanatory Memorandum to the 2008 Draft Bill (115kb)
Draft Second Bill 2008 (92kb)

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