National Treasury's Promotion of Access to Information Manual
This manual contains descriptions of the structure, functions and services of the National Treasury and the availability of its records as a public body in accordance with chapter 2, section 14 of the Promotion of Access to Information Act 2 of 2000) (PAIA).
Guide to requesting information
- Please refer to the following items prior to submitting a request to the National Treasury:
- Request must relate to information about the National Treasury or deemed to be held by the National Treasury.
- Review the National Treasury’s website prior to submitting a request, as there is a considerable amount of information readily available on the National Treasury’s web site and its different links which may satisfy your requirement.
- Complete the prescribed PAIA Request form available in the following link .
- The form may be hand delivered at:
The National Treasury Building
240 Madiba Street
Alternatively, the form may be emailed to